Earnest Effort

This morning seemed like as good of a time as ever to take a rest day, mostly because I stayed up late watching The Sons of Katie Elder (we couldn’t find The Cowboys).

The only effort I had to exert this morning was making breakfast. Last week I bought something I haven’t bought in ages–English muffins. As I pulled one out of the freezer to toast this morning, I couldn’t help but think of the scene in The Importance of Being Earnest where Jack and Algy are fighting over muffins.

Jack: Good heavens, I suppose a man may eat his own muffins in his own garden. 
Algy: But you have just said it was perfectly heartless to eat muffins! 
Jack: I said it was perfectly heartless of YOU under the circumstances. That is a very different thing. 
Algy: That may be, but the muffins are the same! 

I suppose I’ll always be an English lover at heart. And I did not find it heartless at all to enjoy my muffin holding an egg and Morning Star ‘Sausage’ patty with Sriracha.

Grapes on the side to balance the spicy.

And a lovely cup of hot coffee on this relatively cool morning (75 degrees).


How to Make a One Dish Meal

I’m getting tired of washing dishes.

Perhaps it is strange, but occasionally I enjoy washing dishes. We do have a dishwasher, but I try to handwash all our pots and pans, some silverware (our silverware holder in the dishwasher gets filled up extremely quickly), special dishes (like homemade ceramic mugs), tupperware (because our first dishwasher broke from a melted tupperware cover), and plastic bags (this drives Dave crazy, but I like to save money and the enviroment by reusing lightly soiled bags).

I have taken over much of the cooking and cleaning since Dave started his new job in February. I don’t mind at all, because Dave works 50-65 hours weeks, whereas I work 32 hours a week, so it just makes more sense. And, like I said, I find washing dishes to be relaxing.

But it also means I spend about 45 minutes to an hour every day picking up stray cups and plates, loading the dishwasher, hand washing, and putting away dishes. Another first world problem? Yes. But when you only spend six waking hours a day at home, it sucks to use one of them for washing dishes.

I do have a few options. Heat up a frozen dinner. I don’t buy frozen dinners (except pizza). Go out to eat. That could get expensive. Make a bowl of microwave popcorn. If your appetite is not quite up to snuff but you still want something to nosh, it makes a perfect meal.

Popcorn is 100% whole grain with more antioxidants than fruit and vegetables. The best kind, of course, is air-popped, but when I’m lazy, I just eat the light butter kind, which has about 200 calories for a 2-serving bag. (Does anyone else find the nutrition facts on popcorn confusing?)

With very minimal clean-up.

Are you feeling gypped on the one-dish meal recipe now? 🙂


Arty woke me up again last night, and, while tossing and turning, I contemplated getting up at about 6:00am to go running. I haven’t run at all yet this week, and I felt bad for missing ‘National Running Day’ yesterday.

But then I remembered that today was supposed to be a rest day, so I talked myself back out of it and drifted into an uneasy sleep before waking up at 8:00am for some yoga time.

Twenty-five minutes of vinyasa yoga with Chris Freytag. I know I keep saying this, but I really need to incorporate more yoga into my life! I used to be so flexible and now my muscles seem so much tighter.

I still wasn’t feeling fabulous health-wise, but I was hungry for breakfast, which was a nice change of pace. I really wanted an egg sandwich, and was excited to see these Cheddar & Spinach rolls sticking out of Dave’s work carry-on bag.

I miss the days when we used to have bakery rolls and bread in abundance in our apartment. I snagged one of these to make a delicious egg sandwich for myself. (Thanks, Dave! 🙂 )

Overhard egg with sauteed spinach, pesto, and avocado.

With a sliced apple on the side.

Why have I never thought to mix avocado and pesto before? It’s a fantastic combination. I see Guacamummus with pesto in my future….

I’m hoping to get a run in early tomorrow morning before I help my mom put together flower bouquets for a Saturday wedding. Hopefully I will have the determination to wake up early!

Did you celebrate National Running Day? (By running or eating a piece of cake?)

Don’t Pave My Paradise

Happy Earth Day!

As a preservation carpenter and a horticulturist, my parents have always inspired me, with both actions and words, to protect Mother Nature. Not only so I can enjoy a clean and beautiful earth, but that future generations at least have a chance to enjoy what so many of us do already. This is naturally based on the assumption that the Mayans weren’t right, of course.

From an early age, my dad taught taught us all to recite “Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Recycle, Compost.” This ditty affects every decision I make, whether or not I am actively thinking about it.

Saving the Earth is definitely habit-forming.


Reduce consumption and buy less. Wash regular plates, cups and utensils instead of using disposable ones. Use stainless steel or bpa-free plastic water bottles instead of buying bottled water. Buy used goods (Hello, Goodwill!) instead of new ones. I get some great clothing, cookware, and dishes at thriftstores…but I draw the line at socks, underwear, and head-wear. Some things just have to be brand new.

Consume less electricity. I try to unplug appliances I am not using (toaster, coffee maker, Kitchen Aid) and shut my computer down every night–it definitely makes an impact on our electric bill, too!


Find a use for objects other than throwing them out. Dave and I save old pickle jars and jam jars to keep some of our own homemade food in, like granola or pickled eggs. I also like to reuse jars to package food gifts.

I have also turned old t-shirts into produce bags, I wash and reuse all my plastic food bags, and donate unwanted items instead of throwing them away.


“No bag, please.” 

I can’t count how many times I’ve heard my Dad say this, and it has become a habit for me at nearly every checkout counter. I bring tote bags for big shopping trips and keep a foldable shopping basket in my car at all times for quick trips. If (and let’s face it, when) I forget them, I still say “No bag, please” and carry out the loot myself.

The earth shouldn’t have to suffer for my lack of forethought.


Did anyone ever watch Rocko’s Modern Life? I can’t help but think of the song “R-E-C-Y-C-L-E recycle! C-O-N-S-E-R-V-E conserve! Don’t you P-O-L-L-U-T-E pollute the rivers, sky, or sea or else you’re gonna get what you deserve.”

Not only does it help you learn how to spell 🙂 but it’s an important lesson that what you give often is what you receive, especially when it comes to our planet.

Recycling is one of the easiest things we can do. Follow this one basic rule: don’t throw anything in the garbage that can be recycled. Plastic containers (check the number on the bottom), aluminum cans, paper & cardboard, glass jars, etc. can all be recycled.


If you live in a house, you can compost nearly every food scrap or leftover, besides meat or cheese. If you have outdoor pets, beware of throwing chicken bones or anything your furry friend might dig up. Compost makes a great garden addition!

I will admit that, living in an apartment, I do not compost, but when I move to a house, I fully intend to pick up the habit again.

So instead of having to compost, I instead devour every bit of my meal so I don’t have to throw it away. 🙂 Easy to do when you create another delicious egg sandwich.

Fried Egg Beaters, sauteed grape tomatoes (a new favorite way to cook them), and homemade guacamummus (avocado and hummus mixture) on jalapeno focaccia bread.

Remember when I said yesterday’s was the best egg sandwich ever?

I lied.

This egg sandwich knocked it out of the water and is now the best. egg. sandwich. ever. Until further notice, that is.

Served with a sliced banana mountain sprinkled with cinnamon and powdered peanut butter. And an unphotographed (my camera battery died) cup of Coconut Cream coffee.

I’m so glad I live on an earth that makes it possible for me to enjoy breakfasts like these.

Do you have any favorite tips for saving the earth?