One Tough Chick

My aunt gave me a baseball cap a couple years ago for a gift.

I never wear baseball caps. In fact, I’m not sure I’ve ever owned one before. I have nothing against them, except they’re usually sporting the name of some team, and I don’t really follow sports. Now that I think about it, the ones I see most occasionally around these parts are Packers baseball caps, and isn’t that an oxymoron? Shouldn’t people be walking around with Packers helmets instead to show their pride?

Anywhoozle, I was going through a particularly hard time. It’s difficult to remember exactly why, because there are so many things in the last few years that could have brought me down. My aunt recognized this and bought me a gift. The tag read “Tough times call for tough chicks.” I thanked her profusely, jokingly wore it for a day, then stashed it in my closet, where it has been hiding for a couple years.

In an attempt to allay the sunglass-bouncing syndrome when I run, I finally dug my hat out yesterday. I felt a little silly wearing it, but realized that people are more likely to comment on the fact that you’re running rather than what you wear. I know, because I used to be one of them. “Why is that person running? Don’t they know a really good book/tv show just came out?” or “It’s 20 degrees! They should be drinking cocoa, the crazies.”

So I wore my hat proudly on my 2 1/2 mile run yesterday. I don’t care what people say about me, cause I am one tough chick. I’ve even got the hat to prove it. And, more importantly, it kept the sun out of my eyes.



After my run, I attempted a remake of Chicken and Brussels Sprout pizza. I am generally too impatient to wait for pizza crust to rise, because by the time I think “I want pizza,” it means “I want pizza now,” not three hours from now. Regardless, I made a flatbread pizza crust and then wished I had made a quick-rise version. Oh, well.



Homemade sauce with sauteed garlic and onions, oregano, basil, and marjoram.



A heap of sliced brussels sprouts and a couple sliced mushrooms.



I added rosemary and fennel to the crust for an extra pop of flavor, as well. I baked this for about 15 minutes on 500 degrees, then added shredded chicken and 1/2 cup of shredded Parmesan cheese and baked it for another five minutes.



Bread Man (aka Dave) said the pizza crust gets burnt on the edges when you don’t proof it. I’ll proof him.



I think it tasted better when made it on the grill last summer, but it was still pretty tasty. I’m glad I found and fell in love with brussels sprouts; they’re a really interesting addition to the pizza. But next time I think I’ll make a quick-rise pizza crust. Or have Bread Man make it. 🙂

Recipe adapted from: Whole Foods Market